This project contains the smart contract for the CheersPortal website that have been deployed to the Rinkeby test network. It is a place where anyone on the internet can learn a little about me, cheers with me and send me a message and have that data saved on the blockchain through an Ethereum smart contract. (A smart contract is basically code that lives on the blockchain you can read and write from, we'll talk about this more in a bit).
You'll be writing + deploying the smart contract and you'll also be building the website that will let people actually connect their wallets and interact with your smart contract.
People can connect their Ethereum wallets on the Rinkeby network and interact with the CheersPortal smart contract through the website. When someone sends a cheers, there is a random chance they can win a small amount of Ethereum from the CheersPortal.
This project was created following _buildspace content with personal customisations.
The Cheers Portal can be accessed here